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 10 tips to help improve your wireless network Are you having problems with your wireless network? If so, you are not alone. Many wireless networks sometimes slow down or temporarily break down. This poor performance impacts your productivity. While there is no golden rule for fixing wireless network issues, the following tips and tricks may help improve the performance of your network.  1. Choose a central location Central locations provide the best signal coverage across your entire building. For two-story structures, if your router or access point is on the first floor, place the router or access point high on a shelf to provide a stronger signal for devices on the second floor. 2. Move your router off the floor Walls, floors, and metal objects can interfere and weaken your router's wireless signals. Locate your router to avoid these kinds of obstructions as best as possible. 3. Replace your router's antenna Router antennas are usually omnidirectional, meaning they broadcas...
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